5 Tips on How to Refresh and Simplify Your Space this Summer

Summer is just beginning to be in full swing for some of us, graduations are done and schools are closing their doors to the students for the summer. What are you going to do with all this free time?

I say this laughing because I know as well as you do we seem to have less free time in the summer. Maybe I should say what are you going to do with this slower time? We might still have a packed schedule most of the time but, the pace seems to slow down from the busy school year schedule. What are you going to do when your kids are at their Grand parents for the weekend? Do you need some project ideas? I have plenty for us both.

Lets use this summer to simplify and refresh your space. Open your windows, pour a tall glass of lemonade and take a deep breath. Lets give a room in your home some love. Here are a couple things to think about before you start any simplify and refresh project.

Sit in the room of your choosing and think about its purpose. What would you like to use this room for, such as reading, family time, entertaining or any purpose that would fit your life style?
How would you like to feel when you are in this room? Do you want to feel energized, peaceful, insightful or happy?

List 10 things that you feel are not working in this room. It could be things like, not enough light, you don’t like the paint color, the furniture arrangement is not working and the carpet is old and stained.
List 10 changes that you can make to correct this issue. This can be furniture additions or subtractions, paint color, de-cluttering, rearranging, If you are having a difficult time seeing beyond what you already have look through magazines, go online, hire a decorator and organizer expert and ask a friend. Cut out or print pictures of things that inspire you.

Create your budget. If your vision is beyond your budget, break your project down into short term, things you can do now, like paint, change out picture frames, slip cover or paint your furniture, add pillows, and rearrange. Long term projects that you need to save up for could be, refinishing your floors, new sofa, installing pot lights etc. Choose what is most important to you now and start there.

Answer all these things before you even move a piece of furniture. Having the right plan will save you time, money and allow you communicate with whom ever is helping you in an organized manor. A good plan will help you select the right tools you will need to unclutter and create the room you want. The best part is that it can be done on any type of budget. No more of “I can’t” or “I don’t even know where to begin” answer the 5 questions and your vision will come to life. Right now write in the comments below the top 3 things you want to change in your room project. Also, forward this article to a friend and you help each other with your spaces. Can’t wait to hear from you!

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